How can you embrace change?   Do you have confidence to embrace change? Who is ready to take their lives forward? But, are you fearful of making changes?   Unfortunately, there is a part in most of us that is fearful of change. We want things to stay the same.  That is...

Do you have a fear of failure?   In this video, I talk about our fear of failure. A fear of failure is very real to many people. But, what actually is failure? What does failure mean to you?   We each have different definitions of what that means to us. For one...

How to live your life without regrets   Do you ever have regrets about the things that you should or shouldn’t have done? If you had your chance to life your life over, what would you do differently?   In this video, I talk about regrets and how we can...

6 Tips to Embracing Change   Change is a normal part of life.  The butterfly is a caterpillar before it breaks out of its cocoon. Autumn becomes winter, turns into spring, then summer and then back to autumn again. We have birth, life, death. Nature accepts change because...

5 Tips for being more organized How do we get more organized? How can we be more productive? The amount that we get done depends largely on our mindset. We can choose to get things done or watch back to back movies or binge watch our favourite TV...