24 Oct 5 Tips To Starting Your Own Business
5 Tips to starting your own business
Are you part of the great resignation?
Covid has had a huge impact on all of us and none more so than the fact that many people are choosing to leave their workplaces.
Also known as the Big Quit, it is the ongoing trend of employees voluntarily leaving their jobs, from spring 2021 to the present.
According to LinkedIn CEO Ryan Roslansky, in a recent interview with TIME, the Great Resignation that you’ve been hearing so much about is really a “Great Reshuffle.”
Younger workers are leading the way and job transitions have increased by 54% year-over-year.
What does that mean in real terms?
It means that now more than ever, people are choosing to leave their work for greener pastures.
Many workers have realised that they do not want to go back into their previous work environment.
Working from home has become very appealing with work life balance becoming a key focus and to do that many people have started their own business.
Maybe you’ve been wondering about your own work situation and if you could actually be successful in having your own business. When working with my business coaching clients, I show them how to find meaning, money and passion in doing work that doesn’t feel like work. It gives their life a deep sense of satisfaction.
For those of you who are looking to do that, the question then becomes, how can I make this happen?
Here’s 5 tips:
- What is a skill, product or service that you an offer to the public?
- Does it have viable business potential?
- Get some professional advice from a tax accountant to find out what is the best business structure for you;
- Look into the potential for getting small business start-up finance. This can be available through government grants, small business loans or investors.
- Seek advice from your local council or small business federation e.g. https://www.fsb.org.uk/. These are great sources of information, whether it be legal advice, insurance information, networking opportunities and access to other resources.
Starting your own business can be a huge opportunity that brings with it many challenges.
If you would like to talk to me about how business coaching can help you, .
When you coach with me, I help you to get clear on your ideal clients and discover what your archetype is for your branding. We define your signature system, we create and implement your high end packages and improve your money mindset so that you can create a business that you love working in.
Even if you have an existing business, business coaching can escalate your business to the next level.
I’d love to chat with you about how business coaching can help you and I look forward to hearing from you.
I hope you have enjoyed my 5 Tips To Starting Your Own Business.
Would you like more information on my business coaching? Discover more about my coaching and how it can transform your life.
Do you need some help with goal setting? Check out my Goal Setting for Success Online Workshop.
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